Saturday 5 February 2011

clonng timeline

A historical timeline
The New Millenium

first cloned animals
Hans Dreisch seperated cells from two-celled sea urchin blastomers mechanically. Each cell grew independently and formed a separate, whole sea urchin clone.

Hans Speman (1935 Nobel Prize in medicine) conducted the first nuclear transfer experiment by splitting a two-celled salamander embryo into seperate cells. Each cell developed into a salamander.

Herbert Webber (US Dept. Agriculture) coined the word "clon".

Hans Spemann performed the first nuclear transfer experiment using salamander embryos.

Robert Briggs and Thomas King used nuclear transfer technology to clone frogs from adult donor cells.

J.B.S. Haldane is credited to have coined the term "clone".
Tong Dizhou created the first cloned fish (asian carp)

by inserting Asian carp DNA into a European crucian carp, Tong Dizhou created the first interspecies clone

Steen Willadsen (British Agricultural Research Council) cloned a sheep via nuclear transfer technology.

Megan & Morag:July 1995 Scottish scientists clone the sheeps Megan and Morag from differentiated embryo cells.

1996 (My World Event)
The first mammal was cloned from a cell of an adult animal. Ian Wilmut (Roslin Institute) created the sheep Dolly.

Neti and Ditto: two Rhesus monkeys were cloned by nuclear transfer at Oregon Regional Primate Research Center. Neti stands for "nuclear embryo transfer infant".
Polly: the first genetically engineered cloned sheep
Gene: the first cloned cow from a fetal cell (Infigen, Inc.)
Cumulina: the first mouse cloned from adult cells (University of Hawaii Medical School)
ABS Global, Inc. cloned the first calf (Holstein)

Noto & Kaga: first cloned cows from adult cells ((Ishikawa Prefectural Livestock Research Center)
Mira: first cloned goat from embryonc cells (Tufts University, Genzyme Transgenics Corporation)

A Chinese scientist claimed to have cloned a human embryo to the stage where stem cells could be harvested and then cultured.

Alexis, Carrel, Christa, Dotcom & Millie: the first pigs cloned from adult cells (PPL Therapeutics)
Yanyuan: the first goat cloned from adult cells (Northwest University of Agriculture, Forestry Science and technology, China)
Tetra: the first Rhesus monkey 'cloned' by embryo splitting technique
Xena: Japanese research group cloned a pig (black Chinese Meishan) from fetal skin cells
The first mouflon was cloned from adult cells (University of Teramo, Italy

Noah: the first species of an endagered species (gaur) was cloned (Advanced Cell Technologies)
The first rabbits were cloned from adult cells (National Institute of Agricultural Research, France)
CopyCat (or Carbon Copy): the first cloned domestic animal

The first banteng (bos javanicus) was cloned from adult cells (Advanced Cell Technologies, Trans Ova Genetics)
Idaho Gem: the first mule was cloned from a mule fetus (University of Idaho)
Prometea: first horse cloned from adult cells (Consortium for Zootechnical Improvement, Italy)
Ditteaux: the first African wildcat (Felis silvestris) was cloned from adult cells (Audubon Center for Research of Endagered Species)
Dewey: first deer cloned from adult cells (Texas A&M University, ViaGen, Inc.)

Tabouli & Baba Ganoush: the first cat cloned by chromatin transfer technology (Genetic Savings & Clone)
South Korean scientists cloned 30 human embryos and developed them over several days to the blastocyst stage.

Snuppy (Seoul National University puppy): the first cloned dog

Iranian doctors said they have cloned a sheep. The lamb died minutes after birth. It was the first animal cloning in Iran.
First cloned ferrets (Libby and Lilly) by somatic cell nuclear transfer

South Korean Scientists have cloned two females of an endangered species of wolf named Snuwolf and Snuwolffy

Snuppy has become a father after the world's first sucessful breeding involving only cloned canines (Seoul National University).

the first cloned camel (Injaz) was born at Dubai's Camel Reproduction Center
the first buffalo calf was born at NDRI, Karmal (India)
Iran's first cloned goat was born in Isfahan

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